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Cancellation/Refund Policy

  • Any Test Packages once purchased will not be cancelled or refunded.
  • Admission fee once paid will not be cancelled or refunded.

According to the Guidelines, students who want to discontinue study at this institute may get refund strictly in accordance with the following rules :-

  • To receive refundable amount, the parents of ward should apply in written.
  • Refund request through Email/Fax/Telephone/Mobile/SMS will not be entertained.
  • In special case where any student gets admission in Govt. Medical/ Govt. Engineering college may get a refund of 50% of the amount deposited deducting GST on it even after 30 days on producing the following document:-

         (a) Copy of college seat allotment letter.

         (b) Copy of fee receipt of college where admission taken.

         (c) Original fee receipt of GEM Classes Pvt Ltd.

         (d) Student I-Card.

  • Refund request will be processed for those students only, who will submit the refund request form available on our website.
  • Original fee deposit receipt and all student cards must be attached with the refund request.
  • For any legal dispute jurisdiction will be Alwar (Rajasthan) only.
    Note: No refund shall be provided to any student in case the student is rusticated from the Institute on disciplinary grounds.